Professional Writing


这个跨学科的课程可以帮助你准确地写作, clear, 适合各种听众和场合的非学术散文. It teaches you how to research and analyze a wide range of topics, 为专业目的管理社交媒体, 并编写和设计可读性, compelling documents, both in print and online. Because technology has become central to professional writing and publishing, the program is designed to encourage facility with a range of platforms and applications.


Beyond the Classroom

Our students learn how to exercise their communication skills in a professional environment, 这让他们成为各行各业以沟通为基础的实习的有力候选人. 澳门葡京博彩软件的学生在邓肯实习过 & 米勒钢化玻璃博物馆, 主街农贸市场, Brandt Street Press, 以及华盛顿县历史学会, 在其他组织中.

In W&J’s classroom, 教授们向他们的学生展示了在各个领域应用专业写作技巧的新方法. Professor Kay McEvoy, Ph.D., has led students through the process of researching, writing, and 录制自己的播客 关于他们选择的民俗主题, 从小矮妖到骗子再到德古拉的起源, 甚至还有匹兹堡自己的13弯道的传说.



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