Dana Schiller
Phone: 724-503-1001 x5265
Office: Davis 1A
Email: dshiller@stonecrusherestate.com

Ask me about....

Jewish life on campus (I'm the faculty advisor to Hillel); the MayTerm course I teach in Prague with Dr. Jennifer Harding; places to hike in the Washington area.

Dana Shiller, Ph.D.

Professor of English

Degrees: Ph.D. and M.A., English, University of Washington; B.A. Comparative Literature, Brown University

Dana Shiller is a Professor in the Department of English. 她教授一系列19世纪和20世纪英国文学的课程, including the Victorian Novel, British Modernism, 英国女作家与当代英国历史小说. 她的学术研究重点是当代英国小说对过去的运用, and specifically in Neo-Victorian studies, 探索维多利亚时代在当代文学和生活中的文学和文化表现. Dr. 席勒的其他教学兴趣包括大屠杀文学, detective fiction, 环境文学(她将其作为环境研究项目的选修课教授)和写作. 她也是性别与妇女研究项目的附属教员, 在那里她教授两门核心课程:GWS概论和性别理论.